Sunday, June 24, 2007

Road Trip

So this weekend we went on a road trip with Nana and Oompa to Uncle Charlie's Retirement Party in Conroe, TX.
I slept most of the way to Conroe and then when we got there we got to go swimming before the party started.

Yo Yo Yo whaz up?
How you like my hat?
My daddy took me in my lady bug float.

Megan was swimming with her noodle.
Aunt Lisa held me while mom and dad swam some more.
Uncle Chris and Megan were just lounging around.
I got to give Megan some kisses.
Aunt Lisa and Megan were having fun in the sun.

Aunt Amy got me to sleep after my long swim.
The swim took a lot out of me but the margarita machine put me right to sleep
- don't worry no gave me any margaritas.
Megan liked to give me kisses.
Aunt Lisa did a good job holding me.
Daddy and I were ready for the big party for Uncle Charlie.

Dad was doing Superman with me- don't worry he didn't drop me and I liked it a lot.
I had to take a rest at the hotel while mom and dad got ready for brunch on Sunday.
My friend Megan was so excited to hold me and she did a great job.

We are going to best of friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You certainly are a party girl...just like your momma. It sounds like Uncle Charlie's party was lots of fun. I know you love going swimming! And did you know that your PawPaw used to play airplane with your momma too!!! I think it must be a guy thing! Love you, little one!!! XOXOXOX