Well my Nana in Missouri gave me her old camera to take to school so Miss Caroline and Miss Barbara can take pictures of all the fun I am having. Also they take pictures of all my friends.

This is Madeline. She and I are great friends.
We love to sit in these colorful seats they have for us.
This is Miss Caroline.
She is so much fun.

I get to sleep in the
bouncy seat sometimes.

But most of the time I sleep in my crib at school.
Madeline is sitting up all by herself and also rolling all over the place.
so Mom and I have been working on that at home.
Us girls have so much fun together.

We read books together.
This is Noah. His mom knows my Aunt Dolly.
This is Miss Barbara. Also this is where we get our diapers changed.
I like my crib at school it has toys to look at when I lay in it.

Madeline and I love to have girls talk time in the activity centers.
I love my school all the people that work there are so nice.
These are soooo cute! How old is Madaline?
The pictures of Lauren and my daughter Madalyn are so adorable together. They are having too much fun together! I love the way Lauren sucks her thumbs. She goes to town with it. It's cute!
My Madalyn is 7 months old.
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