Monday, August 13, 2007

Weekend of Fun in Wisconsin cont.

Dad and I went on a walk so that mom could sleep a little later.

Colton and Uncle Scott picked some tomatoes and cucumbers.

Colton was so excited to go on a boat ride.

Colton took this picture of my mom and Aunt Becky and Aubrey.

My mom, Colton and cousin Meg went tubing. I think Colton had a lot of fun.
I was taking a nap during all of this.

Colton was having so much fun.

What a great looking couple of sun bunnies.

Colton enjoyed the bubble machine.

He almost caught one.

Wanta ride a bike on the lake?

Uncle Scott took Colton on a great ride.

Pawpaw and Aubrey watched us all having fun.

Aubrey got the sit on the tube and she liked it.

My uncle Scott took Colton on a bike ride on the lake.

Aunt Becky enjoyed the bike ride on the lake.

Aunt Becky and Colton went on bike ride on the lake.

Mom took me on a boat ride and my dad was very nervous.

Aunt Dolly was on the boat with me.

Auntie Terri and Uncle Tim were looking at my dad's Africa book.

Cousin Nick.

Meg the party girl.
She just graduated from college. So that is who the party for.

Auntie Terri was very interested in me.

My Oompa took a nap with Magic.

Cousin Jake.

Cousin Noah didn't want to put me down.

Cousin Jake is so funny. Doesn't he look like Nacho Libre?

My cousin Michelle.

Michelle had some a new puppy and he liked to lick me.

This is my Uncle Jim and Raggy.

This is my Aunt Leigh.

When we got home Dad read me some books.

I love books and always want to chew on the corners after we are through reading the books.

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