Monday, August 13, 2007

Weekend of Fun in Wisconsin

This weekend we went to Wisconsin to go to a party and see my Nana's brothers and sisters and my mom's cousin Sam. We had to take a long plane ride and I feel asleep about 20 minutes into the flight.

When we got to Wisconsin Uncle Scott picked us up and my cousins Colton and Aubrey, my Pawpaw and my Aunt Becky were at Uncle Scott and Aunt Sue's house.
We all got to play a lot.
Pawpaw thought I had grown a lot.
Colton got to take lots of pictures of us all.
Aubrey kept trying to grab me but Aunt Becky would not let her.
Pawpaw couldn't keep his hands off of me.

Aren't we cute!!
When we went to visit Sam we had to have a snack while Sam went to therapy.
Colton got to take a spin on Sam's chair.
Then Colton got to push him.
He pushed him pretty fast.

Here we all are. Sam was so excited to see us.
He was also excited because he got to go home to Sun Prairie and stay with his family.
Aubrey and I got to hug and kiss a lot.

We went swimming and I hung out in my ladybug.
Kelsey and Aunt Becky watched while my mom and dad played with Colton in the big pool.

Pawpaw and Aubrey did a little sun bathing.
Colton was completely prepared to swim in the big pool.
Check out the sun beauties.

Aubrey enjoyed the Shark.
Dad was throwing Colton in the air and he liked it.
Pawpaw was getting Aubrey.

Colton was trying to hide behind Aunt Sue so Pawpaw wouldn't get him.

Aubrey was ready for dinner after a day in the sun.
I got to sit in the high chair and eat my dinner.
Then Carrie played with me after dinner was over.
My Pawpaw was getting me.

Aunt Sue and I had a serious talk after dinner.
I got to play with Magic.

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