Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Birthday

Today was my birthday and my Nana and Pawpaw
threw me a party it was so nice.
There were lots of people at my Nanas house to see me.
They sang to me.
We posed for a picture.
What a cute family.

Dad showed how to pick off the icing.

Then Mom let me take bite out of my cake.
Then I got the hang of it.
See Dad this is how you do it.
I love icing.
Little milk and I am good to go.
More cake please!!!
Aubrey wanted some too.
Man that cake is good stuff.
Why do they always have to wipe my face?
I don't like it.
My Dad was getting Aubrey she was laughing hard.
He gave her some of my icing too.
Do you like my birthday dress?
I got when I was in Colorado with my Sampish friends.
Dad gave Aubrey more cake.
Then I got lots of presents.
Lots of Books.
My Grandma Russell made me this great quilt.
I love it.
And lots and lots of clothes!!
I love new clothes!!
Aubrey read one of my new books.

Grayson liked my new toys too.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New House

So we have some exciting news, we bought a new house.
we are closing on the 11th of March.

My new stairs.

This is the formal living room.

I don't think I am going to be able to play in there.
The kitchen- I hope mom puts up new wallpaper.
The stairs in the kitchen. This is my new living room.
And my new pool- I can't wait to practice my new swimming moves.
This is my mom and dad's room.
And their bathroom.
This is my room.

I can't wait till we move in.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Swim Lessons with Nana

I had my swim lesson tonight so Nana got in the water with me. I had to show her how to do all of my tricks. She had LOTS of fun!
I think she was a little nervous when I jumped in and swam UNDERWATER for 6 seconds. She learned pretty quickly that I'm not afraid of the water at all! Daddy says I'm a fish.
I showed Nana how I can swim with the water weights. And she told me she uses the same kind in her water aerobics class...isn't that funny.

Lunch with Great-Greatmother

Today Nana and I went to visit Great-Grandmother and have lunch with her in the fancy dining room where she lives. We had so much fun seeing all of her friends and eating a delicious lunch. Everyone thought I had very nice manners.
Look at us! I'm sitting with Great-Grandmother in her little golf cart. She drove us up to the dining room in it and boy was that fun!
After lunch we went back to Great-Grandmother's to play for awhile. I loved playing with the Monkey-Monk that she made.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Busy Day with My Nanas & Aunt Dolly!

I was just walking around with my lion this morning while we waited for
Nana Townsend and Aunt Dolly to come to get us to go shopping at Sam Moons. I dressed up in my pink fuzzy vest outfit and my new brown & pink shoes...everyone thought I looked so cute!
We were looking at sunglasses 'cause we're all gonna need some in the Bahamas.
And we looked at beach bags too. Aunt Dolly showed me this one with cats, but I didn't buy it. My Nana Russell found a really cute one with a beach chair on it!
While I was taking my nap today, Nana Russell made my birthday cookies. I REALLY wanted to take a bite of one...just to see how good it tasted.
Nana said I'd have to wait until my birthday party...and she wants to put icing and decorations on them too.
I loved squeezing the icing bags. I was secretly hoping some would come out on my finger so I could lick it off. YUM!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

A Day Full of Play

Boy, my Nana sure loves to read to me! We read all of my board books today and I'm learning to turn the pages one at a time. Nana says I'm really helpful.
I guess Nana will ALWAYS be a teacher...she's been trying to teach me to hold my milk cup and tip it up all by myself. I can do it for a while but then I get tired and just drop it on the floor.
My Nana says I'm just like my cousin, Aubrey...we both LOVE socks. Believe it or not...the dirty ones taste just as good as the clean ones to me!
It was getting close to my bedtime and boy was I getting silly.
Nana sure has big shoes and they are fun to play with!! But I sure hope my feet stay little like my mama's! We had a busy day, my nana and me. We met Aunt Dolly for lunch but those two talked so much that Nana forgot to take a picture of us. And then we went to the BIG Target in Ft. nana LOVES shopping there. We needed to buy some things for our "girls weekend" cause my daddy is going to the lease. Look out, Texas...Nana and I will be on the loose!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Nana Russell's in Town!

My Nana Russell came from Missouri to stay with Dad and me while Mom is on a "business" trip...she called tonight and said they'd been "tubing"...what kind of business is THAT???? I know she's having a good time though...just like me! Nana and I stayed home all day today and just PLAYED! Nana just loves watching me...she just stares and smiles all the time. She keeps saying I'm very smart and she's trying to teach me to hold up 1 finger to show how old I week is my First Birthday!
We played and played and boy was I tired at the end of the day!