Friday, July 31, 2009

Mama Comes Today!!!!

Mama finally got here today. I was soooo HAPPY to see her.
Nana was happy too and forgot to take our picture.

We drove straight back from St. Louis to Columbia.
Mama could hardly wait to see baby Elliot and hold him!
Of course she wanted to see Aunt Becky, Colton, and Aubrey too.

I tried out Elliot's car seat...but I'm way too big.

Nana Townsend sent this great tent to Colton and Aubrey.
We had so much fun playing in it too.

Aubrey and I posed for a picture...but Colton turned around.
I guess he was tired of Nana and my mama taking so many pictures.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Week At Nana's House Is Flying By!

This week is just flying by. I'm staying so busy that I "barely" miss my parents.
Well maybe I do just a little...thank goodness I talk to them on the phone!
Every morning I wake up and play with the Fisher-Price dollhouse and barn.
My mom and Aunt Becky use to play with's so much fun.

Then I eat breakfast. Today I started with my Dora yogurt.

And I help Nana clean up the kitchen before we head out the door.

I love to sit on the front porch bench and watch for deer.

Here's the mama deer and her two babies that we often see.

We went to see Great-Grandpa Russell at the nursing home.
He played beach ball with Nana and me. It sure made him smile!

Nana and I shopped at Wal-Mart.
I thought we'd NEVER get all the bags inside.
Nana said I was a great helper!

While Nana was folding laundry, I decided to try on her panties...

...and they were hard to pull up...

...but I finally got them on and they FIT!
Nana was laughing so hard that she could hardly breathe!

Another trip to the mall and the merry-go-round...ride #3 was the bear.

Ride #4 was the "turkey"...Nana said it was an ostrich.

We stopped by to see Aunt Jean and looked at all of her pretty flowers.

She had this great foot stool. It turned over so I could climb inside.

Aunt Jean LOVED my LelliKelly shoes from Nana Townsend!!!

Tonight when we got home, I had to work hard
putting the icing on the cookies I made.

Nana finally had to help me squeeze the tube of icing.

See my pretty cupcake-shaped cookie!
I let Nana eat it 'cause I'm not much on eating cookies.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Another Busy Day of Visiting and Playing

We were off first thing this morning to see my cousins again.
I just can't seem to get enough of those kids!
Aubrey was still finishing her breakfast.
I decided to help her so we could go play.

Baby Elliot was wide awake and happy sitting in his bouncy seat.

Isn't he a sweetie pie!!!

That bouncy seat looked so I tried it out!

I think I could have fallen asleep in it.

We had lots of fun swinging in the backyard.
Nana stayed pretty busy pushing all of us.

We went over to see Great-Grandma Russell and she showed me her dolls.

She has a WHOLE ROOM full of dolls...some were taller than me!

We had a "Pizza Picnic with PawPaw" for dinner.

I sat next to PawPaw and had yummy cheese pizza.

But when I wouldn't sit down any longer,
PawPaw fixed it so I could eat my pizza "on the run!"

Nana took me to DQ for dessert.

I loved eating my ice cream cone with a spoon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Walk, Slide, Hug, & Win

We started the day at "Hi-Hop"...Nana and I met her friend, Barb, for breakfast. I loved every bite!

Then we went to Stephens Lake Park
for a walk around the lake...

and some playtime at the children's playground.

These are the alpacas that live by Nana and PawPaw. I LOVED seeing them every day! Sometime they were in the barn and I was really sad.

Colton and Aubrey came to stay with us for awhile this evening and we met PawPaw for dinner at the Mexican restaurant. PawPaw needed a group hug before he went back to work!

After Colton and Aubrey went home, Nana and I had time to play two games of UNO before bedtime...I won BOTH games!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Sprinkler Park and Other Places Too

We woke up this morning and PawPaw cooked us eggies and sausage for breakfast. After we ate, it was time to get ready for the sprinkler park.
Aunt Becky and Elliot were going to meet us there.

Nana put Aubrey's hair in a I wanted one too.
Nana TRIED!!!

The sprinklers were lots of fun!

Colton and I ran in and out of this big sprinkler.

Aunt Becky and Elliot sat under the umbrella
and we all had meat & cheese roll-ups for lunch.

After my nap, I helped Nana make cookies for Aunt Becky's baby shower. I loved rolling out the dough.

Nana and I went to the mall and I got to ride the merry-go-round...after I ate my dinner. Boy, did I eat FAST!
The tiger was my favorite!

And the lion was my next favorite. I wanted to ride more...but Nana said I'd have to wait
until the next time we came to the mall.

Bath time and bedtime always came WAY too soon.
But I LOVE bath time!

I always remember to brush my teeth.
Nana has a special bench to stand on.
I even have my own Elmo toothbrush at Nana's house.

I NEVER wanted to go to bed! But Nana tricked me and told me we could "rest" and read books. I ALWAYS fell asleep and then she put me in my crib. That Nana's sneaky!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday, Funday...Good Times with My Cousins

Today we headed out to get Colton and Aubrey so they could come spend the day AND THE NIGHT with me at Nana & PawPaw's house.

I took a quick ride on the old spring horse before we got in the car.

Aunt Becky was changing Elliot's diaper when we arrived...he sure dirties
A LOT of diapers!

We blew bubbles when we got back to Nana's house.

Aubrey and I rode on Midnight, the horsey tire swing.
It was a tight squeeze, but we had fun!

We ate some yummy chicken 'n cheese quesadillas for lunch.

And ice cream cones for dessert...YUM!

The evening brought some fun times with the Wii! Colton is a good ski jumper.

I had to show PawPaw how to do the ski jump.
He actually got pretty good...with my help, of course.

Aubrey and I are BOTH wearing big girl panties.
But I think maybe I'm not quite ready for them ALL the time.

PawPaw makes a great horsey!

He lets all three of us ride on him at one time.
Look out when Elliot gets big enough to ride too!

Colton makes a good horsey too!