This week is just flying by. I'm staying so busy that I "barely" miss my parents.
Well maybe I do just a little...thank goodness I talk to them on the phone!

Every morning I wake up and play with the Fisher-Price dollhouse and barn.
My mom and Aunt Becky use to play with's so much fun.

Then I eat breakfast. Today I started with my Dora yogurt.

And I help Nana clean up the kitchen before we head out the door.

I love to sit on the front porch bench and watch for deer.

Here's the mama deer and her two babies that we often see.

We went to see Great-Grandpa Russell at the nursing home.
He played beach ball with Nana and me. It sure made him smile!

Nana and I shopped at Wal-Mart.
I thought we'd NEVER get all the bags inside.
Nana said I was a great helper!

While Nana was folding laundry, I decided to try on her panties...

...and they were hard to pull up...

...but I finally got them on and they FIT!
Nana was laughing so hard that she could hardly breathe!

Another trip to the mall and the merry-go-round...ride #3 was the bear.

Ride #4 was the "turkey"...Nana said it was an ostrich.

We stopped by to see Aunt Jean and looked at all of her pretty flowers.

She had this great foot stool. It turned over so I could climb inside.

Aunt Jean LOVED my LelliKelly shoes from Nana Townsend!!!

Tonight when we got home, I had to work hard
putting the icing on the cookies I made.

Nana finally had to help me squeeze the tube of icing.

See my pretty cupcake-shaped cookie!
I let Nana eat it 'cause I'm not much on eating cookies.
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