Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Another Busy Day of Visiting and Playing

We were off first thing this morning to see my cousins again.
I just can't seem to get enough of those kids!
Aubrey was still finishing her breakfast.
I decided to help her so we could go play.

Baby Elliot was wide awake and happy sitting in his bouncy seat.

Isn't he a sweetie pie!!!

That bouncy seat looked so I tried it out!

I think I could have fallen asleep in it.

We had lots of fun swinging in the backyard.
Nana stayed pretty busy pushing all of us.

We went over to see Great-Grandma Russell and she showed me her dolls.

She has a WHOLE ROOM full of dolls...some were taller than me!

We had a "Pizza Picnic with PawPaw" for dinner.

I sat next to PawPaw and had yummy cheese pizza.

But when I wouldn't sit down any longer,
PawPaw fixed it so I could eat my pizza "on the run!"

Nana took me to DQ for dessert.

I loved eating my ice cream cone with a spoon.

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