Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Walk, Slide, Hug, & Win

We started the day at "Hi-Hop"...Nana and I met her friend, Barb, for breakfast. I loved every bite!

Then we went to Stephens Lake Park
for a walk around the lake...

and some playtime at the children's playground.

These are the alpacas that live by Nana and PawPaw. I LOVED seeing them every day! Sometime they were in the barn and I was really sad.

Colton and Aubrey came to stay with us for awhile this evening and we met PawPaw for dinner at the Mexican restaurant. PawPaw needed a group hug before he went back to work!

After Colton and Aubrey went home, Nana and I had time to play two games of UNO before bedtime...I won BOTH games!

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