Saturday, July 25, 2009

Over The Highway and Through 3 States To Nana's House I Go

My daddy and Nana Townsend drove me to Oklahoma this morning to meet my Nana & PawPaw from Missouri.
I am going to spend a whole week visiting them.

It was going to be a long drive, so Nana Russell brought lots of things for me to do in the car. I loved playing with the puzzles that my mom and Aunt Becky use to play with when they were little girls.

I read books and sang songs.

And I did take a little nap, I'd been up since about 4 AM and was tired.

I also managed to find my own "toys" to play with!!! I'm so creative!

Nana's neck pillow was pretty fun...but I figured out how to unzip the back and all these tiny little white beads came out. They went everywhere and my Nana decided maybe I shouldn't play with her pillow anymore!

We finally made it to Missouri and drove straight to Aunt Becky's so I could see my cousins Colton and Aubrey.
We were so excited to see each hug!

I also got to meet my new baby cousin, Elliot.
Aubrey showed me how to hold him.

Then I got to hold him all by myself. He was kind of wiggly and heavy!

I had lots of fun playing with Colton and Aubrey. Aunt Becky fixed us all dinner before we went home to Nana & PawPaw's house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Pictures!!!